Laudemont Press, Preterism with a Difference



P.O. Box 369
Hamilton, Illinois 62341 USA

Silence of the Drums

by R. C. Leonard

From the Cover:

"Things are getting so bad, these must be the last days — Jesus must be coming soon!" Popular Christian media continue to spread this message. What happens when someone you know decides to act on that message in a way that impacts your family? Kyle and Vonda Sherman, with their teenage son Jeremy, are about to find out. In the process, they discover a different way of looking at what the Bible says about the "end of the age." This fictional story, set in the Midwest, is full of characters that seem so familiar you'll feel you've met them before.

From Chapter 2

Bertrand Sedgewick lived in the old Schrader place, south of town on Route 26, the Morrisburg road. It wasn't much of a place, really. It had been vacant for a while before Bert moved in, and the shed in the back had practically fallen down. Cover Image of 'With Unveiled Face'But when they had raised the rent where he was living up in Atherton, he had gone looking for another place to stay. Dave Schrader had let him move into his late brother Carson's place. It was a good deal further from work, but he made do, driving his pickup to the Atherton Pottery. That's what they called it locally, though its real name was Central Ceramics. The company made a variety of products, but the plant in Atherton specialized in toilet bowls and tanks, urinals, and other similar fixtures.

Driving out past the south edge of Roscoe, Kyle pondered what Bert wanted to talk to him about. He had known him for only about a year, since Bert had started coming, off and on, to Valley Christian Center. Only in the last few months had they started to become buddies, sort of, and Kyle still didn't know a lot about Bert's background. And he didn't know why he and Shannon had split up, several years back. Bert had never really filled him in. To hear Bert tell it, Shannon was just a difficult woman to get along with. He had even intimated that she thought the grass might be greener on the other side of the fence.

Kyle knew there were always two sides to a story, and he didn't know Shannon's side yet. What he did know was that Bert had been a hard worker, interested in his Pottery job and wanting to get ahead there even if the job didn't pay that well. Kyle remembered how excited Bert had been the day he was transferred from bowls to tanks. But in the last few months he had hardly ever talked about his job. It seemed that all he could talk about was the soon coming of the Lord, and the signs that pointed to it on the 10:00 news, and the things he'd read about it on several web sites.

And along with talk of the Lord's coming, there was a lot of talk about a certain evangelist, Carleton Cotter, who was active in the region and had a TV program carried by several Christian stations. Kyle had never heard Cotter speak, but he knew that he almost always preached about the end times and the coming of Christ. And, according to Cotter, almost all prophecies had been fulfilled, so the end could come any time now. Cotter was a big fan of the popular Day of the Trumpet books and videos that were spreading the same message, and Bert could hardly stop talking about those himself.

Published by Xulon Press
ISBN 1-59781-312-5
140 Pages, soft cover — List $12.99
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